
H2020-MSCA-RISE Workshop

H2020 RISE workshop and INDESMOF Mid Term Meeting were a complete success. Thank you all for your participation.

BCMaterials will host the H2020-MSCA-RISE Workshop promoted by INDESMOF Project

Last minute changes on the RISE-MSCA-H2020 (Marie Curie Slodowska-Curie Research and Innovation Staff Exchange) workshop.

 13th September 2019 (9:30 – 12:00)


BCMaterials is pleased to celebrate a half-day RISE-MSCA-H2020 (Marie Curie Slodowska-Curie Research and Innovation Staff Exchange) workshop.

This dissemination action will be held in Leioa, at the Martina Casiano Building Auditorium (s/n, Edif. Martina Casiano, Pl. 3 Parque Científico UPV/EHU Barrio Sarriena, 48940 Leioa, Bizkaia).

The RISE-MSCA General Project Manager of the University of the Basque Country. UPV/EHU (Izaskun Ibarbia), and Coordinator of RISE Chemistry Panel (Sotirios Kiokias) will explain us the general rules of RISE-MSCA projects, and how this action can boost the formation, strengthening and stabilization of worldwide research networks. In addition, Principal Coordinators of RISE-MSCA projects (David Mecerreyes, Sergio Moya, Roberto Fernández) of the Basque Country will explain us the possibilities that offer this European projects.

The workshop will end with a networking coffee between the attendants. The workshop is free, but requires from a previous confirmation. If you are interested, please send an email to roberto.fernandez@bcmaterials.net detailing: Full name, position and institution.


Full schedule of the RISE event is available at workshop. For more information about the workshop contact roberto.fernandez@bcmaerials.net.


The Project leading with this application has received funding from the European Union´s Horizon 2020 MSCA-RISE-2017 research Nº 778412

Link for Agenda

Antimicrobial reverse osmosis membranes economic impact on mining industry

Dra. Andreina García, one of the head investigators of the Water, Environment and Sustainability of the Advanced Mining Technology Center (AMTC), has explained in a dissemination activity to the TV-media, the economic impact of microbial adhesion in reverse osmosis technology for Chilean mining industry. Many of mining exploitation in Chile are located in highly water stressed areas with limited possibilities to extract or use the surface or underground water sources without inducing a high hydric impact on the surrounding environment. This scenario has promoted the mining industry to use seawater and reverse osmosis to desalinate it as more environmentally friendly approach to obtain water for ore extraction and processing. One of the research lines of Dra Andreina´s team studies the prevention of microbial adhesion to desalination membranes; an objective that would extend the life of polymer membranes reducing large economic costs and resources to the mining industry.

Dra. Andreina García´s Team participates in the INDESMOF-RISE H2020 consortium coordinated by the BCMaterials, and its expertise on antimicrobial fouling will impact on the development and functional characterization of the MOF-polymeric mixed matrix membranes that will be developed during the next year.

Dr. Roberto Fernández en un seminario de AMTC

Dr. Roberto Fernández en un seminario de AMTC

Dr. Roberto Fernández de Luis, investigador de BCMaterials, ha dado una charla en el ciclo de seminarios que el AMTC ofrece quincenalmente en la Facultad de Ciencias Físicas y Matemáticas de la Universidad de Chile, Como orador invitado con la charla “MATERIALES DESCONTAMINANTES DE ALTA VERSATILIDAD”, en la Universidad de Chile el pasado 23 de mayo.

Divulgation Activity: Time-journey through the LEGO of adsorbents materials.

Divulgation Activity: Time-journey through the LEGO of adsorbents materials.

The BCMaterials Associate Researcher Roberto Fernández de Luis will develop a divulgation activity at the Advanced Mining Technology Center in Santiago – Chile the next 23th of May at 13:00. This divulgation activity will show the potentials of the reticular chemistry and porous materials in an easy and funny way, comparing the crystal chemistry of these materials with a LEGO construction based on inorganic and organic pieces. The event is framed within the development of a research secondment funded by the RISE-MSCA-INDESMOF H2020 project.


BCMaterials is pleased to celebrate a half day RISE-MSCA-H2020 (Marie Curie Slodowska-Curie Research and Innovation Staff Exchange) workshop within the EMA2019 (Engineering for Medical Applications) international conference.

This dissemination action will be held in Bilbao (Bizkaia Aretoa – 12th September, 2019). The RISE-MSCA General Project Manager of the University of the Basque Country. UPV/EHU (Izaskun Ibarbia), and Coordinator of RISE Chemistry Panel (Sotirios Kiokias) will explain us the general rules of RISE-MSCA projects, and how this action can boost the formation, strengthening and stabilization of worldwide research networks. In addition, Principal Coordinators of RISE-MSCA projects (David Mecerreyes, Sergio Moya) of the Basque Country will explain us the possibilities that offer this European projects.

Online registration to the workshop, or the complete EMA2019 conference, will be available soon (May 5th). Full schedule of the RISE event is available at https://www.bcmaterials.net/events/. For more information about the workshop contact roberto.fernandez@bcmaerials.net.


The Project leading with this application has received funding from the European Union´s Horizon 2020 MSCA-RISE-2017 research Nº 778412

Link for Agenda


Searching and analyzing organic molecules, metal organic complexes and metal-organic extended structures and in Cambridge Structural Database II: Specific analysis



Searching and analyzing organic molecules, metal organic complexes and metal-organic extended structures and in Cambridge Structural Database II: Specific analysis

Established in 1965, the CSD is the world’s repository for small-molecule organic and metal-organic crystal structures. Containing over 900,000 entries from x-ray and neutron diffraction analyses, this unique database of accurate 3D structures has become an essential resource to scientists around the world. BCMaterials has access to the on-line version of the database, including the structures searching tools. However, we can also access, through different research teams of the University of the Basque country, to the

complete-desktop tools included in the package CSD-System applications (ConQuest, Mercury, Mogul, Isostar…).

In this short course, we will explore three case studies related to the main research lines and goals within the BCMaterials:

1)            Searching Structures: Metal Organic Frameworks, Lead Iodide Perovskites, Drugs – developing our own database.
2)            Analyzing Atomic distances, angles, and conformation and other structural information within our database.
3)            Inter-molecular interactions study: Analyzing the weak forces shaping our materials.

Date(s) – 14/03/2019
12:00 PM – 1:30 PM

Auditorio de Plataforma Tecnológica –Martina Casiano, UPV/EHU
UPV/EHU Science Park
Bld. Martina Casiano, Gnd. Floor
48940 Leioa

43.3325366, -2.9702551000000312

Searching and analyzing organic molecules, metal organic complexes and metal-organic extended structures and in Cambridge Structural Database I: Introduction



Searching and analyzing organic molecules, metal organic complexes and metal-organic extended structures and in Cambridge Structural Database I: Introduction

Established in 1965, the CSD is the world’s repository for small-molecule organic and metal-organic crystal structures. Containing over 900,000 entries from x-ray and neutron diffraction analyses, this unique database of accurate 3D structures has become an essential resource to scientists around the world. BCMaterials has access to the on-line version of the database, including the structures searching tools. However, we can also access, through different research teams of the University of the Basque country, to the complete-desktop tools included in the package CSD-System applications (ConQuest, Mercury, Mogul, Isostar…).

In this short course, we will explore three case studies related to the main research lines and goals within the BCMaterials:
1) Searching Structures: Metal Organic Frameworks, Lead Iodide Perovskites, Drugs – developing our own database.
2) Analyzing Atomic distances, angles, and conformation and other structural information within our database.
3) Inter-molecular interactions study: Analyzing the weak forces shaping our materials.

Date(s) – 13/03/2019
12:00 PM – 1:30 PM

Auditorio de Plataforma Tecnológica –Martina Casiano, UPV/EHU
UPV/EHU Science Park
Bld. Martina Casiano, Gnd. Floor
48940 Leioa

43.3325366, -2.9702551000000312

PhD Gabriel Tovar research stay at BCMaterials within the INDESMOF-RISE project

Thanks a lot Gabriel Tovar for your hard work within this secondment at the BCMaterials. After three months at our center, and following the work developed by the PhD student Dimas Torres, we have achieved to obtain ten new MOF materials modified with hydrogen donor molecules, quantify the functionalization degree, and perform the heavy metal adsorption initial experimental tests. Gabriel has obtained the first Chitin-MOF membranes within the project, demonstrating their potentials to remove pollutants from water synthetic solutions. In addition, Gabriel has started a new collaborations within the INDEMOF project, and jointly with Marcela Quintero, they have developed the first Chitin-photo-Active MOF membrane. We will test for the photo-reduction oxidation of heavy metals at AMTC in the near future (Fingers crossed ;)).

Summarizing the research results of Ainara Valverde and Gabriel Tovar during the last week of Gabriel´s secondment within INDESMOF project

PhD Marcela Quintero research stays at UPV/EHU and URA within the INDESMOF – RISE project

It has been a pleasure to host PhD student Marcela Quintero at UPV/EHU and URA during one and two months, developing new materials based on Metal Organic Frameworks and Deep Eutectic Solvents; and determining the real operation conditions through the study and sampling of Basque Country water samples. Indeed researchers from the laboratory of URA and Marcela Quintero have achieved a great goal within INDESMOF, the participation of a small enterprise that has bring us some industrial water samples after and before the treatments necessary to incorporate them in the Basque Country Water Basins. In the near future, we will corroborate if the materials developed within the project are able to capture the heavy metals from synthetic and real water solutions. Thanks a lot Marcela for your diligence, hard work and kind character.

Marcela Quintero working during her secondment at URA within the INDESMOF project

Marcela visiting the laboratories of the BCMaterials to perform Chitin based membranes. From left to the right: Marcela Quintero, Gabriel Tovar, Senentxu Valverde, Arkaitz Fidalgo and Ainara Valverde.

Marcela working at the laboratories of Mineralogy and Petrology department of the University of the Basque Country.

New Materials for a Better Life: Porous Structures as Key Enabling Materials for Advanced Technologies

New Materials for a Better Life: Porous Structures as Key Enabling Materials for Advanced Technologies” was celebrated at Basque Center for Materials, Applications & Nanostructures, 20th November 2018. The symposium, directly related and partially funded by INDESMOF RISE-MSCA-H2020 action, meet international, Spanish and Basque leading principal researchers discussing about the potential possibilities and current applications of MOF materials or MOF based membranes.


Invited speakers:

  • Christian Serre-CNRS: “Robust Metal Organic Frameworks: from their design to their potential applications”
  • Oana David – TECNALIA-Membrane Technology and Process Intensification-Energy and Environment Division “PBI mixed matrix hollow fiber membranes: influence of ZIF8 filler over mixed gas transport”
  • Dr. Oscar Castillo – University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU). “Porous Metal-Organic Materials Beyond MOFs”
  • Dr. Roberto Fernández de Luis –BCMaterials (BCM) “State of the art and potential future applications of Metal Organic Frameworks for metal ion recovery”

With an assistance of near 100 researchers, the international workshop ends with the poster session presentation

and best poster awards received by two early stage researchers of the BCMaterials that are currently involved in some tasks proposed in INDESMOF project.

Keratin Based Smart Hydrogels: Origin and functional nanocomposites

Keratin Based Smart Hydrogels: Origin and functional nanocomposites

It has been a pleasure to host Prof. Guillermo Copello and PhD student Dimas Torres at the BCMaterials, the first two secondment hosted at the center within the INDESMOF RISE ACTION. The basis for the Cr(VI) and Cr(III) analytic quantification via UV-Vis and Inductive Cupled Plasma analysis has been set, and the first steps towards the functionalization of Metal Organic Frameworks Materials with Deep Eutectic Solvents Stablished.

In addition, Prof. Guillermo Copello bring to the INDESMOF members and researchers of the BCMaterials and University of the Basque country a brilliant talk about the potentials of Keratin Based Smart Hydrogels.