Dr. Roberto Fernández en un seminario de AMTC

Dr. Roberto Fernández en un seminario de AMTC

Dr. Roberto Fernández de Luis, investigador de BCMaterials, ha dado una charla en el ciclo de seminarios que el AMTC ofrece quincenalmente en la Facultad de Ciencias Físicas y Matemáticas de la Universidad de Chile, Como orador invitado con la charla “MATERIALES DESCONTAMINANTES DE ALTA VERSATILIDAD”, en la Universidad de Chile el pasado 23 de mayo.

Divulgation Activity: Time-journey through the LEGO of adsorbents materials.

Divulgation Activity: Time-journey through the LEGO of adsorbents materials.

The BCMaterials Associate Researcher Roberto Fernández de Luis will develop a divulgation activity at the Advanced Mining Technology Center in Santiago – Chile the next 23th of May at 13:00. This divulgation activity will show the potentials of the reticular chemistry and porous materials in an easy and funny way, comparing the crystal chemistry of these materials with a LEGO construction based on inorganic and organic pieces. The event is framed within the development of a research secondment funded by the RISE-MSCA-INDESMOF H2020 project.