
Nanotechnologies targeting zero-toxic water

The NANOZERO RISE-MSCA cluster presents the Poster entitled: Nanotechnologies targeting zero-toxic water in ESOF-2022 conference at Leiden.

INDESMOF, RECOPHARMA and SUSWATER RISE-MSCA projects form part of this amazing coordinated dissemination-action catalysed by the MSCA Staff Exchange programme.

Special RISE-MSCA session within GEP-SLAP-2022 congress

It has been a pleasure to participate as the coordinator of the RISE-INDESMOF action within the special session of RISE-MSCA projects of the GEP-SLAP-2022 congress organized by our colleagues in the POLYMAT Institute. Many thanks to Sergio Moya and David Mecerreyes, coordinators of the SUPROGEN and IONBIKE RISE actions, and all the secondees that presented their research developed under the RISE project, within the special session of the congress.

Invited talk – GEP-SLAP-2022 – RISE-MSCA special session

Roberto Fernández de Luis, the coordinator of the RISE-MSCA-INDESMOF action, presented the invited talk entitled: “Metal-Organic Frameworks polymeric composites for environmental remediation” within the GEP-SLAP-2022 international congress. The invited-talk was framed within the EU-projects special session of the congress, where the latest result obtained within the INDESMOF staff-exchange action were presented by the coordinator of the project.

Visita de las instalaciones de LUSORECURSOS

El coordinador del proyecto RISE-INDESMOF, el director del BCMaterials y el investigador Pedro Martins, de la Universidad de Minho, visitan las instalaciones de LUSORECURSOS durante la estancia de Leire Celaya en las mismas. Queremos agradecer a Eduarda Araújo e Vera Freitas su amabilidad y disposición para explicarnos el apasinante proyecto de extracción de Litio que están diseñando, y que de ser aprobado, en un futuro cercano situará a Portugal como referencia en cuanto a las reservas de Litio y su procesado y transformación dentro de la comunidad Europea.

The coordinator of the RISE-INDESMOF project, and the director of BCMaterials and the research fellow of the University of Minho, Pedro Martins, visited the LUSORECURSOS facilities during Leire Celaya’s stay there. We would like to thank Eduarda Araújo and Vera Freitas for their kindness and willingness to explain to us the exciting lithium extraction project they are designing. If approved, this amazing initiative from LUSORECURSOS will place Portugal as a reference in terms of lithium reserves and its processing and transformation within the European community.