

BCMaterials_Logo_Largo_Color_72 esp BCMATERIALS: Basque Centre for Materials, Applications and Nanostructures (BCM-Spain). Naiara Elejalde, Dr. Roberto Fernández de Luis, Dr. Arkaitz Fidalgo Marijuan.
UT-Italy it Dipartimento di Chimica, Università Degli Study di Torino. Prof. Carlo Lamberti (UT-Italy)
esp University of the Basque Country; IMaCris/MaKrisI research team leaded by the Prof. María Isabel Arriortua and Dr. Edurne Serrano Larrea at the University of the Basque Country and NanoBioSeparations Group headed by the Ikerbasque Research Prof. Thomas Schäfer at the Basque Center for Macromolecular Design & Engineering (EHU-Spain).
 Instrumental analytic chemistry cathedra IQUIMEFA-CONICET. Faculty of Pharmacy and Biochemistry, Buenos Aires University. Prof. Guillermo J. Copello, Prof. Viviana Campo Dall’Orto, Dr. María Emilia Villanueva. (IQC-Argentina).
University of Chile. Advanced Mining Technology Center (AMTC). Andreina Evelin García González, Dr. Barbara Rodriguez, Dr. Joseva Orive and PhD Maibelin Rosales.
esp Basque Agency of Water. Mr. Josu Perea Arandia, Mr. Aitor Beldarrain Uriondo, Mr. Iñaki Urrutia Garayo and Ms. Mari Carmen Vaquero.
esp TEKNIMAP Energy and Environment control and remediation. Mr. Felipe Guisasola
Laboratory for Theoretical and Computational Chemistry. University of California, San Diego. Prof. Francesco Paesani. (UCSD-United States of America).